Operating Systems as Compilers

I think of operating systems as being special cases of programming languages. The environment that programs run in is the language and the operating system that implements that environment is the language interpreter.

When you view it from this perspective, Unix (And every single other major operating system) is an interpreted language. The obvious improvement then would be to create a "compiler" for that language. This could be implemented with a partial evaluator. Run the partial evaluator on the operating system with the programs that you want compiled in passed as parameters, and you get back an operating system that has your programs built into it.

Since this doesn't violate the separation between the OS and application layers, it SHOULD have the security/stability of a microkernel operating system. At the same time, because the applications are compiled into the operating system, you should have the performance of a monolithic kernel operating system.

The problem with this idea though (when applied to Unix) is that partial evaluators for assembly language are hell to write. An operating system written in a higher level language (LISP, Haskell, ML, Prolog, etc) will have an easier time of providing this.

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